Domain 10 When the Sun Shines Through a White Dress

April 2017

Volume 17, Issue 4

Figure 1

Color percept of participants upon first seeing the dress stimulus. The x-axis represents the categorical response. W/G = white and gold, B/B = blue and black, B/G = blue and gold, B/W = black and white, S = switching or bistable, O = other. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants that report seeing the dress stimulus in this way, in percentages. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Color percept of participants upon first seeing the dress stimulus. The x-axis represents the categorical response. W/G = white and gold, B/B = blue and black, B/G = blue and gold, B/W = black and white, S = switching or bistable, O = other. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants that report seeing the dress stimulus in this way, in percentages. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Figure 2

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of the belief as to whether the dress was in a shadow. The x-axis represents different groups of participants: those who believed the dress to be in a shadow, those who believed the dress was not in a shadow, and those who were unsure. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of the belief as to whether the dress was in a shadow. The x-axis represents different groups of participants: those who believed the dress to be in a shadow, those who believed the dress was not in a shadow, and those who were unsure. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Figure 3

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of circadian type. The x-axis represents self-identified circadian type. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of circadian type. The x-axis represents self-identified circadian type. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Figure 4

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of beliefs about illumination type from Run 2. The x-axis represents different groups of participants: those who believed the dress to be illuminated by natural light, those who believed the dress to be illuminated by artificial light, and those who were unsure. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM.

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of beliefs about illumination type from Run 2. The x-axis represents different groups of participants: those who believed the dress to be illuminated by natural light, those who believed the dress to be illuminated by artificial light, and those who were unsure. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM.

Figure 5

Proportion of participants from Run 2 assuming artificial illumination of the dress as a function of circadian type. The x-axis represents self-identified circadian type. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting to have assumed an artificial light source. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM.

Proportion of participants from Run 2 assuming artificial illumination of the dress as a function of circadian type. The x-axis represents self-identified circadian type. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting to have assumed an artificial light source. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM.

Figure 6

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of knowing the true color of the dress. The x-axis represents different groups of participants: Those who reported knowing the true color of the dress and those who did not. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of knowing the true color of the dress. The x-axis represents different groups of participants: Those who reported knowing the true color of the dress and those who did not. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Figure 7

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of whether the color percept switched after first exposure from Run 1. The x-axis represents different groups of participants: Those who reported that their percept switched at some point after first encountering the dress stimulus, those who reported that it did not and those who provided a more complex description of their switching experience. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM.

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of whether the color percept switched after first exposure from Run 1. The x-axis represents different groups of participants: Those who reported that their percept switched at some point after first encountering the dress stimulus, those who reported that it did not and those who provided a more complex description of their switching experience. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM.

Figure 8

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of gender. The x-axis represents self-identified gender. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of gender. The x-axis represents self-identified gender. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. Black dots represent the mean response of a given group of participants; error bars represent the SEM. Left panel: data from Run 1; right panel: data from Run 2.

Figure 9

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of age from both runs. The x-axis represents the self-reported age of participants, blended with the two neighboring age bins. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. The black line represents the mean response for a given age; the hashed red lines represent ±1 SEM.

Color percept of the dress stimulus as a function of age from both runs. The x-axis represents the self-reported age of participants, blended with the two neighboring age bins. The y-axis represents the proportion of participants reporting seeing the dress stimulus as white and gold. The black line represents the mean response for a given age; the hashed red lines represent ±1 SEM.

Table 1

Effects and associated statistical parameters for data from Runs 1 (original) and 2 (replication). Notes: Effects are ordered by absolute chi-squared value. Effects that are significant at p < 0.01 are bolded.


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